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Equity Release Calculators

Discover how much money you could release from your home using our range of equity release calculators. Calculate your maximum amount depending on the type of plan you’re interested in.
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Compare Equity Release
Checked for accuracy and updated on 10 January 2025

How does an equity release calculator work?

Our equity release calculator gives you an idea of the maximum you could borrow – using a lump sum lifetime mortgage, where you receive all your money as a single payment. But there are lots of plans to choose from and we have a calculator for each one.

To use this particular equity release calculator, you simply need to input the approximate value of the property, which must be in the UK and worth a minimum of £70,000. Secondly, you’lll need to tell us the age of the youngest homeowner, (which must be 55 or over) and lastly the postcode where the property is, as some equity release providers vary the amount they will lend based on location.

These are the three, basic criteria that lenders use when determining how much they are prepared to let you borrow.

The equity release calculator results present you with 3 options. Firstly the amount available to borrow as a single lump sum. Secondly the maximum you could borrow with an interest only plan (where the accruing interest on the plan is repaid monthly) and lastly the amount that could be available to you if you have a pre-existing health condition, through an enhanced plan.

There’s no need to make a note of these as we will instantly email you your results to the address you provided.

How much equity can I release?

With equity release, a provider will lend you a % of the value of your property and as a condition of your plan, you must use your money to firstly repay any outstanding residential mortgage on it – if there is one.

The equity you can release is determined by the valuation of your property that the lender agrees to and then by the age of the youngest homeowner.

The younger that person is, the smaller the amount that could be borrowed. The money available (what’s known as the loan to value or LTV) increases with the youngest borower’s age.

Our range of equity release calculators

Our exclusive range of equity release calculators will give you an idea of the maximum amount of money you could borrow. The results from our calculators will help you understand whether equity release could be a solution to meeting your objectives. Here are our three most popular calculators...

Other equity release calculators

These are lifetime mortgage and home reversion schemes. To understand their features and risks ask for your personalised illustration.