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Buy-to-let equity release calculator

Use our buy-to-let lifetime mortgage calculator to see how much tax-free cash you could release from your BTL or portfolio of properties.

Buy-to-let equity release calculator

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Compare Equity Release
Checked for accuracy and updated on 10 January 2025

Specialist lifetime mortgage lenders now offer BTL equity release schemes that help landlords manage their rental portfolio. This could be help buy new property, or to access money tied up in their investments to mitigate capital gains or inheritance tax. One advantage is that lenders do not require proof of income to qualify.

Our buy-to-let equity release calculator will give you an understanding of how much you could borrow on a rental property based on your age and property value. These plans are available on each property within a portfolio, so multiple plans can be taken out, as long as an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) is in place.

Things to know about your results

Please note, over 55 buy-to-let mortgages are unregulated. They do share similar characteristics to a lifetime mortgage, however they do not meet all Equity Release Council's product standards, as the property isn't secured against a main residence.

All results provided are calculated on a single life basis.
To understand the features, benefits and risks of a buy-to-let lifetime mortgage, please contact us and ask for your own individual, personalised illustration..