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0800 028 3142

Equity remaining calculator

Use our equity remaining calculator to see how much inheritance you could leave behind for loved ones - once your equity release plan comes to an end.

Equity remaining calculator

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Compare Equity Release
Checked for accuracy and updated on 10 January 2025

A lifetime mortgage will impact the inheritance you leave for your loved ones and will be determined by a number of factors.
These are - how much you borrow, the interest rate charged by the lender, whether you make any repayments, how long your plan runs for and the value of your property when the lifetime mortgage is finally repaid.

Our equity in your home calculator will give you an understanding of how much money will be left in your estate by adjusting these variables. Create you own scenario's, as all results will be sent to your inbox to digest and analyse. Remember, we have expert advisers at Equity Release Supermarket who are on hand to answer any questions you have - call freephone 0800 028 3142

Things to know about your results

The remaining home equity results shown in these calculations are only for illustrative purposes and cannot be guaranteed. Interest rates are subject to change and can depend on location and how much capital is needed to meet your personal circumstances.

All results provided are calculated on a single life basis.
To understand the features, benefits and risks of lifetime mortgages, please contact us and ask for your own individual, personalised illustration.